Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Haiti,the Story of the Unknown Children

Most people know the story of Africa and Iraq using child slaves but what people might not know is that Haiti, the island paridise, has a dark side to this slavery around the world. 24% of children ages 10 to 14 work without pay. They work as street traders, and for sexual reasons. 250,000 to 300,000 children work, 80% of whom are female and 20% are males. This to me is very distrubing. These children are taken from their families and sold into servitude while thousands of vacationers relax and rest while these kids work up to 12 hours a day.

We are not going to ignore this any longer.An organization called Restaveks is trying to solve this delima that is occuring all around Haiti. These children are the faces of this tragedy:

Some of these children do survive like a boy called Cielo but unlike him who made it, there are thousands like this girl who are still in servitude.

10% of the total Haiti children die because of malnutrition before age of 4.This in my book is not acceptable. So do these organizations and they are doing something about it, they are saving these kids.

Here is a list of just a few organizations:

W e don't know what their living arrangements are or what these kids even make but all we know is that we must help them because they are just kids who are in desperate need of a better and kinder world they are living in so please, help one of these kids today.

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