Children around the world can be very spoiled except the ones who are in poverty stricken countries. Most kids want ipods and video games and occassionally some clothes. I amitt to being a spoiled kid but then I volunteered at Operation Christmas child in my state and everything changed for me. I finally realized that I was spoiled but I wanted to learn more about how I can change the world.
Operation Christmas Child is run by an organization called Samaritian's Purse who helps provided medical and evangelicial aid around the world. I was amazed to find out that a shoebox means so much to these children. Most of the kids that recieve the boxes will probably never get something like it again.
This small got me thinking about what I could do to impact the world and the young children that have had such terrible lives. The idea of making baby afghans for a orphanage in Mexico that my church supports was the only idea that I had.
I think that having organizations that care for the less fortunate will reveil to many of us what it means to show peace and kindness throughout the world. Please open your hearts to the following organizations that impact the world so much and do your part to make this world a better place for everyone to live in:
Samartian's Purse
Bread for the World
Gospel for Asia
Angel Network
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