Friday, December 11, 2009

Peace Jam

I really commenterate the effort that Peace Jam puts into changing the world. It may sound weird but it is a club that really adults and teens should contribute to together. If people want to change what they see in the world around them, then why not include the people that you love? The real change starts at home because it revolutionizes the way the family thinks and acts in relationship with each other. BY acting as a peace changing unit, the family will help their friends, the amount of friends will grow into a community, the community will grow into a town, the town will grow into a county, the county will grow into the state, the state will grow into the country, and the country will grow into the world. This is how I think we can change the world.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I need some help trying to figure out some ideas on how to help Invisible Children. If anyone has suggestions, let me know.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Invisible Children

In the world we live in, we think that we know what is going on everywhere around us, but we do not. Did you know that right now, millions of children are fighting a war in Africa for the government? Children! These kids do not have an opprotunity to live their lives like normal children do. They do not get to laugh and play or even go to school. In the society we live in, an education is something that we get and some people don't respect it. Imagine a child in Africa who does not have the same rights as you do. These kids spend all of their lives fending for themselves. I think it is quite disgusting.

There was a rally at my school a couple of weeks ago. It was for an organization called the Invisible Children. Their goal is to stop the war in Uganda and to give these children who can not fend for themselves live. They mainly help kids who are known as " children soldiers". These children fight for a man named Joseph Kony. He literally kidnaps children from their beds and make them soldiers as young as 7 years old.

After hearing about this organization, my school decided to make a club called Operation Sunrise to help these kids get the education they so rightfully deserve. This is not to intimidate others who are not part of an organization like Operation Sunrise or Invisible Children. This is to simply to get you inspired to do something to help others. If all you can do is clean a park or help out a food bank, that is fantastic. Whether it is a small thing you do or a big thing, what matters is that you are helping someone other than yourself to make this world a better place. To me, a hero is not someone who has amazing abilities but it is someone who changes the world ,one act at a time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Other Organizations Making a Difference

These are Organizations that I have heard of Rocking the world and making a step in the right direction for peace.

Bread for the World- an organization feeding all who are hungry
Food for the Poor- giving those who need help, assitance
Reading is Fundemential- giving kids around the world the chance to read

These are just a few, go explore, you might find more!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hoops for Hope

I recently went to a concert for teenage girls called the "Revolve tour". There was a boy named Austin who really inspired the crowd to do more. This is the story of Hoops for Hope:

Austin wanted to do something to help kids who had parents dying of AIDS. In 2004, Austin decided to shoot 2,057 free throws on World's AIDS day, which he did and raised over $3000 for 8 orphan children. From then on, he had a goal to raise money for these children in need. Voluteers have now been able to raise over $450,000 for those in struggling countries and a couple of years, they created a medical testing lab in Sinazongwe, Zambia. This lab helps inform people of the HIV/AIDS virus and other medical care. In 2006, they built a new school and another testing lab in Twatchiyanda, Zambia .

I hope that listening to this video gives you an idea of what exactly this means to the people who have done this program and inspires you to shoot a hoop for a kid in need:

If you want any information on how you can get involve, go to their website:

Hoops for Hope

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Gift So Small

Children around the world can be very spoiled except the ones who are in poverty stricken countries. Most kids want ipods and video games and occassionally some clothes. I amitt to being a spoiled kid but then I volunteered at Operation Christmas child in my state and everything changed for me. I finally realized that I was spoiled but I wanted to learn more about how I can change the world.
Operation Christmas Child is run by an organization called Samaritian's Purse who helps provided medical and evangelicial aid around the world. I was amazed to find out that a shoebox means so much to these children. Most of the kids that recieve the boxes will probably never get something like it again.
This small got me thinking about what I could do to impact the world and the young children that have had such terrible lives. The idea of making baby afghans for a orphanage in Mexico that my church supports was the only idea that I had.
I think that having organizations that care for the less fortunate will reveil to many of us what it means to show peace and kindness throughout the world. Please open your hearts to the following organizations that impact the world so much and do your part to make this world a better place for everyone to live in:
Samartian's Purse
Bread for the World
Gospel for Asia
Angel Network